Do or die, it's just a matter of time
the matter I try to get on top
Sick and tired of endless lying
And all my rivals left behind
With a bag on my back
And a plan in my head is correct
Trying to be a good guy
But the world is so bad
Be, the one, you ever wanted
Be so hot or be so cool
It's hard, yeah, but everyday
I'm gettin' stronger
Raise your eyes to the sky
Try to fly inside of your mind
Someone love, someone cry
Don't be shy
Play this Life
~ Silence will fall when the question is asked ~
It's bigger on the inside & bowties are cool.
(I'm allowed, I'm good at stupid!!)
The Doctor... The oncoming storm... The predator...
Basically - RUN
~ I will always remember when The Doctor was me. ~
A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff.
>What do monsters have nightmares about?< >Me.<
>I'm the Doctor, by the way, what's your name?<
>Nice to meet you Rose. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!<
Im not a psychopath, im a high functioning sociopath. Do your research.
Anderson, don't talk out loud. You're lowering the IQ of the whole street.
Welcome to the BBC.
We have twelve actors,
seven sets and three writers
but still manage to kill your feels.
Enjoy your stay.