Schön, Das ihr auf meine Seite Gefunden habt. ![50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png?1828806360](
You are unique.
Unique like each flower in the maddow.
Each butterfly in the air.
Each fish in the water.
And each star in the sky.
Stay as you are.
You are the love of my life.
My luck.
My faith.
My fortune.
You ask me, what sport i do.
I'll answer, I'am an
You tell me, thats not a sport.
You tell me, thats easy.
You tell me, it takes no skill.
You tell me, we just sit there.
You tell me, we aren't athletes.
You tell me, that's just a silly hobby.
But I ask you...
Have you ever trusted something so unpredicrable?
Something that has a mind of their own?
Have you ever fallen from 10 feet up, going 35 mph, brushed yourself off, and got back in the saddle ?
Have you ever ran full speed towards at a soild obstacle?
Have you ever jumped something taller than you?
Have you ever performed an intricate dance with an animal that doesn't even speak your own language?
Have you ever galopped around a tiny barrel?
Have you ever slid to a halt in two seconds?
Have you ever attempted a handstand on a moving creature?
So before you underestimate us, think to yourself.
Do you understand the delicate bond?
Have you ever had a teamate ten times your size?
Have you ever practiced
- 5 hours a day,
- 7 days a week?
Have you ever had a connetionwith a 1400 pound animal?
have you ever risked your life for a sport?
Still think it's easy?!
We gotta go out there and we gotta TAKE IT!
You take their game and you shove it right back in their face!
The passion for riding is really something that is.. hard to descripe.
It's something that's such a part of your life.
It's something that you need almost like air or water.
There's this special moments.
You'll habe a ride one day on a horse, that's just magical.
Where's just you and the horse.
And you'll feel the motion and the power of that gallop.
All of your senses attack, everything fires.
And you feel like you just conquered the world.
I'll ask you one last time.
To be the best that you can be!
Ride like champions.
Win like champions!
It's about heart.
It's about who can go out there and ride the hardest.
It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!
In my book we are going to be winners!
On this team, we fight!
And we shut them down!
Because W E C A N!
Haben sie schonmal gesehen, das ein Mädchen,
mit einem Pferd so glücklich war?
Dear lord. Thank you so much for bringing us here today. We feel so humble that everyday we get to experience what we experience.
Any doubt, andy fear, any lack of confidence that we have must now wash away.
We must be brave, Lord.
Please teach us in your way to have courage to know our own greatness and to inspire everyone out there tonight to be brave for themselves and to follow their dreams.
They used to always to tell me " you will never be a main star ".
It doesnt matter who you are, or where you come from or how much money you have in your pocket.
You have your own destiny and your own life ahead of you.
What a gift.
And I don't ever, for a moment, want to take it for granted.
L i v e y o u r d r e a m.