You can write in Swedish, German or English to me, the most inportant for me is that u feel comfortable with the way you want to communicate =)

Behind the screen you find a **y/o Swedish girl who wanted to try another server on the side of the Swedish sever. Want to try another server and gaming more ''chill'' with AP-breeding, collecting Gold apples, learn the language and challenge myself
If someone want to help me, feel free to send me a message ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png 


In Swedish server I am breeding in the top for Arabian breeders and we try once again to reach Grand Prix with 'em (Großer Preis) -when I don't have this struggle with my anxiety IRL then.  I also have a AP-team which I have given birth for almost 3k Tinker-horses since a few years back. ^^

I am a girl who gives all or nothing. Lots of ADHD and energy. Love animals and big machines. Also like to write a lot and just started to write at something that might one day be released as a book, who knows ^^ 

Sincerely, Vargtand 
----------------------------------------------------------Last updated; 1/11-22----------------------------------------------------------